
Welcome to the Game of the Gods.

If you find yourself here, it’s because someone has chosen you. Perhaps it was an Avatar. Perhaps it was another Player. Perhaps you just happened to stumble across it somehow, in which case, you were chosen by fate itself.

Either way, you are faced with a choice now. One option is to turn away from Destiny. I’m sure she doesn’t mind. After all, a lady is allowed to change her mind. Go ahead. Sit on the sidelines. Turn around and run, or even just walk away. It’s not like you have any sort of obligation. That would just be sinister. No, you’re free to leave, with morbid curiosity as the only thing that could potentially pull you back.

Or you can embrace the opportunity to take part in the Game of the Gods.

Our two Avatars, Hermes and Mercury, have grown quite bored lately. Their job has lost its spark, and they have decided to recruit Players into a game: a game upon which the fates of two men rest.

You, among likeminded individuals, will have a direct line to our Avatars. meaning that you will be in partial control of one of these two men’s lives.

If their offer has piqued your curiosity, please, by all mean, examine the Rules of their game a bit more closely. Decide whether or not you plan to participate. Once again, you can walk away, or you can seize the power our Avatars are giving you.

What will you do with this power? Well, dear Players...the choice is up to you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Posts/Commenting Update

We’ve got the second posts up now.  Comments will close Friday, though we still need to find out what time, exactly.  Also, we’re probably not going to be updating the main blog every time we update or close from now on, simply because it’s inefficient and ends up making the archives look messy.  We might get a Twitter or something, or just might not say anything from now on.

Also, I received this comment on the Hermes blog.  Now, since we never really provided a place to make these sorts of comments, I’ll post it below:

Untitled picture

Just a note: we will not be approving comments like this on the game blogs.  You get one comment, and trying to merge multiple subjects or commands into said comment runs the risk of us not approving it anyway.

If you are looking to get in contact with your teammates to set up something like a Skype or an IRP chat, e-mail or comments on the main blog (though not the application page) are the best place to do so.  We may end up creating a temporary page for this purpose, but we’d prefer that most of the commenting be off-site to keep spam off of it.


  1. Right, Cosmo and a couple others weren't in the mass emailing. I don't know anything about what Team Hermes has done, but I made a #teammercury channel on irc.mibbit.net. It's not gotten much use while I've been in it.

  2. Thank you Hermes for relaying my message. I apologize for any trouble or annoyances caused by the presence of said comment. On the subject of communication, I have gone ahead and registered the room #teamhermes in a similar vein to Ben. It is also on irc.mibbit.net, and my fellow teammates are free to converse there. I look forward to meeting any of you, and I wish everyone, Team Mercury included, good luck.
